Areas of Focus
Business Torts and Unfair Competition
Employment Litigation
Employment Litigators for Employers
Our employment attorneys represent employers and avoid a one-size-fits all approach in employment litigation. Our lawyers understand that each case is unique, and that each employer is unique. Our attorneys carefully analyze the facts of each case, asking the difficult questions that need to be asked when an employee decides to file claims with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, the EEOC, the National Labor Relations Board or with a state or federal court.
Meeting Your Objectives
From the initial meeting to the final resolution, our attorneys focus on identifying goals and achieving objectives. Our attorneys assist clients in understanding employment disputes that oftentimes span multiple forums, each with its own rules and requirements. For example, our attorneys provide legal counsel in unemployment benefits proceedings before the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (“DEED”), including unemployment appeal hearings.
Our attorneys also assist clients with submissions to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights (“MDHR”) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) where claims of discrimination have been made.
From the beginning, our attorneys offer competitive rates and provide litigation strategies to meet clients’ objectives, whether that means working towards a negotiated settlement or whether that means vindicating rights through extended litigation.
Our employment litigation attorneys have experience in the following areas:
defense of wrongful discharge claims
defense wage and hour violations claims
trade secret protection
violation of covenants not to compete
wrongful hiring, firing, and retention issues
workplace violence
unemployment compensation
collective bargaining
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
whistleblower claims
embezzlement and misappropriation of confidential information
contract disputes
unlawful discrimination claims, including:
Title VII claims
42 U.S.C. 1981 claims
Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) claims
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”) claims
Minnesota Human Rights Act (“MHRA”) claims
Sexual harassment claims
Public Accommodation claims
Equal Pay Act (“EPA”) claims
Individual attorneys are licensed to practice in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa state courts; the Federal District Courts in Minnesota and Wisconsin; the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals; and the United States Supreme Court. The firm represents clients in claims filed with Administrative Agencies, such as the EEOC, Minnesota Department of Human Rights, the Minneapolis Commission on Human Rights, the St. Paul Department of Human Rights, the Department of Labor, NLRB and OSHA.
Utilizing the many alternatives to litigation, our attorneys are also experienced in all forms of mediation, arbitration, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.
Learn More
To learn more about the services our employment lawyers provide, please call us at 952-432-3136 or, if you prefer, contact us using our online form.